The 4 Pillars of Umrah: All the information you require
Umrah is one of the obligatory acts of the pilgrims that is been conducted to wipe away all the past sins of the life of an individual. The conduct of Umrah is indeed special as it also allows the pilgrim to stay united with the core of the religion and also abide by the truth of Islam. Moreover, it is also true that for the best journey of your life, you do also need the association of the best Umrah package and also the complete assistance of the best Umrah travel agency of Kolkata.
Umrah- the step that brings you closer to Allah
When it comes to Umrah, it is sure that there are some of the mandate steps that you do need to follow after purchasing the low price Umrah packages from Kolkata and also getting the best Umrah deals. Moreover it is true that with the association of the best Umrah tour operator you can be able to fulfil your dreams and also seek mercy from the gracious Allah (SWT).
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was asked whether Umrah was obligatory. He (PBUH) said: “No. But if you perform Umrah, it is more virtuous” [Jami’ at Tirmidhi]
Umrah- The meaning behind this journey
For those who do wish to know the core meaning of the pilgrimage of Umrah, it is true that you do need to perceive the fact that you do need the urge to conduct the sacred journey of Umrah for the Almighty Allah (SWT). There are some of the mandate rules to follow during the time of performing Umrah, while perceiving the four pillars of Umrah, which are as follows:
- Ihram from Miqat: This is the initial step to follow while undergoing the rituals of Umrah. This is the basic intention of undergoing the ritual of Umrah even before entering Umrah. Even before entering into the premises of Kabba, it is the prerogative of every Muslim to possess the sense of purity in the minds even before initiating any type of the ritualistic deeds. For the entrance into Ihram, men need to wear the exclusive designed clothes for the performance of Umrah. Men, in brief, need to wear the two sheets of the white clothes, while the female gender can wear anything but it needs to be less revealing. It is also mandatory for Ihram to be worn before passing of the Miqat (a place where the Ihram starts). Besides the clothing, it is also mandatory to perform the Ihram with the clear sense of the mind that shall not indulge in any of the illegal practices like drinking alcohol, getting involved in any type of the sexual activity or even applying perfume directly. Also, it is to be noted that the Ihram clothing is also provided by the best Umrah travel agency of Kolkata.
- Tawaf: This is one of the most vital steps that need to be abided by each of the traveler to possess eternal peace. We do cater to the needs and demands of each of the customers to allow them pursue their dreams in full zeal and enthusiasm. The act of Tawaf does signify the manner of walking around the holy Kaaba in counter clockwise direction, as it is one of the principle rites that needs to be abided with utmost sincerity. The seven rounds do start and also end at Hajar-al-Aswad; or the “black stone”. It is to be noted that the meaning of the word, “tawaf” is to walk around and the main intention of the ritual is to be close to Allah and gain the eternal peace, which is indeed bliss to every Muslim traveler, who comes to Mecca with the sole intention of possessing Allah within himself/herself. Since the holy Kabba is the eminent representative of the Muslims, hence each of the travelers does encircle it with sheer emotion.
- Sai: The third pillar of Umrah being the Sai is all about the ritualistic walking between the hills of the Safa and the Marwah seven times, and it is during this time that every Muslim traveler is bound to abide by the rule of asking for mercy and infinite blessings from Allah. This will ensure each of the travelers to seek the motivation and courage of witnessing all the hardships of life, without any of the hassle or disputes.
- Tahallul: This Arabic word does mean, “Discontinuation of the ceremonial state of Hajj/ Umrah”. With the completion of the Umrah, men needs to shave their heads, the female gender needs to cut a small portion of their heads. It is to be noted that shaving does also represent the sense of purity which any individual must exercise upon him/ her.
So what are you waiting for? In order to perform the best Umrah tour, make sure to reach out to us today and feel the closeness of Allah within your heart with your closed ones. Don’t wait for the right time; rather make the best time of your life happen now with the cheapest Umrah packages from Kolkata waiting for you!
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