Yes, vaccination is mandatory before coming for Umrah
Off-season times for Umrah will be the beginning of the Umrah season. So from the 1st of Muharram until about the middle of December, you can perform Umrah. Exact dates vary each year.
You can perform Umrah as many times as you want.
Yes, you can have a guide for Umrah and Hajj, but you have to book it in advance
To register, kindly enter your name, email address, phone number, and nationality in the registration section.
IGo to your profile details to change your name, mobile number, or country of residence. To change your username, which is also your email address, you need to send us an email or call us to get it updated.
Yes, it is mandatory to verify your account.
After completing your payment process, booking confirmation will be sent to you through e-mail along with your flight ticket.
To correct your name on the booking, call us on our customer care numbers or send us an email and our concerned team will take it up with the airline.
Before booking you must read all terms and conditions, baggage policy, and fare policy through review booking.
Alteast 3 hours prior to the departure time, you do need to arrive at the Airport
We have an exceptional team in Saudi Arabia. We make sure that no problem arises while you are staying in Saudi Arabia. It is highly unlikely that you will encounter any problem during your stay. If you are still not satisfied with anything, you can contact our office by phone during office hours and we will try to resolve the issue at the early. You will also be provided phone numbers of key contacts in Saudi Arabia before you travel.
Passenger himself is responsible for the reconfirmation of the flights in advance.
To manage cancellation, passengers need to directly contact the concerned Airlines/Agency.
Are you ready for your sacred journey for Allah (SWT)?
When you do plan to conduct Umrah and Hajj, you are sure to witness the sense of purity within your own self and also feel more connected with the Almighty Allah (SWT). However, there are few other things that you are sure to learn with the conduct of the best Hajj and Umrah tour that you can perform through the aid of the cheap and the best travel agency of Kolkata, which are as follows:
Know these facts before choosing us
Even if you do feel baffled of why you do need to choose us, then all you now need is the definite type of the reasons that can enable you to come and choose us. At the very initial level, you do also need to realize that we are the leading and the best Hajj and Umrah travel agency of Kolkata that has been attaining the customer acquisition since the beginning of time. Also, we do provide you with the cheapest Hajj and Umrah packages from Kolkata that does also enable you to save big and also conduct the best journey of your life with ease.
Even if you are still not satisfied with all that we have been saying, to make it more easier for you, we do bring to you the list of the facts that shall enable you to choose us today and allow us to make your next Umrah Tour the best one:
1. “Alhamdullilah! My dream of Umrah has come true! This was my first Umrah and you had provided me everything from brilliant accommodation, travel and convenience for everything. However this has been my parents’ fourth umrah and I can't tell you how happy my parents were with everything. They got the chance to stay in the best hotels which were very close from the Masjids. You had listened to all my concerns and we had a very pleasant and blessed journey. I have recommended you to all my friends and family and if anyone else is looking for a great package definitely contact Aleena Arfeen Hajj and Umrah Private Limited”
2. “I went to Hajj for the first time with the worry of not knowing what to expect and but when I booked the Hajj packages through Aleena Arfeen Hajj and Umrah Private Limited, I was blessed to experience such a journey in my life.
From day one when the staffs had explained everything to us and gave us all the comfort, we felt relaxed. They were always available and helpful in any needs during our stay in Mecca and Medina
I had a really brilliant hajj experience and would always recommend this best Hajj tour agency of Kolkata to anyone who is waiting to make their dream true”
Proper Scanned Passport Of The Pilgrim With The Validation Of Six Months Since The Time Of Planning The Umrah Journey ( All International Travel Passport)
Authorized complete certification of the Covid Vaccines for each of the pilgrims
Latest Scanned Passport Size Photo Of The Pilgrim With White Background(4)
Blood Group Certificate Of The Haji
Negative RTPCR Test Not Required For Infant Below 5 Years But Only For Children Aged From 5-18 Years (Both In India And Saudi Arab)
Nominee, Aadhaar Card, Pan Card And Mobile Number