Since the beginning of the Islamic culture, Hajj has been conducted in the name of the Almighty Allah (SWT). It is believed that the foundation of Islam lies on the five pillars. Hajj is one of these five pillars. The others are shahadah, i.e. declaration of faith; salat, i.e. daily prayer; zakat, i.e. giving of alms and sawm, i.e. fasting in Ramadan. Hajj as per its literal meaning which is “to intend a journey” this is a yearly ritual that is characterising by an annual visit to the holy city Mecca by Muslim.
According to Quran those who accomplish Hajj will be treated as the guests of Allah in His house. However, there are few rules that people consider before opting for Hajj. Those who are not sound mentally, physically or financially are exempted from Hajj.
Each year approximately 2-3 million Muslims from all over the earth gather in Mecca during Dhu-al-Hijjah, the last month of Islamic calendar for Hajj, for serving the Almighty Allah (SWT) with devotion and sincerity. The different rituals of Hajj are performed within 8th to the 12th day of Dhu-al-Hijjah. Each of these rituals represents an ancient incident that had taken place in the life of the different Prophet’s.
89A, Shakespeare Sarani, Near Bhawan Chowdhury Masjid (Park Circus 7 point) Kolkata - 700017
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As per the dialect of the Quran, there are three types of Hajj namely, Hajj-e-Ifrad, Hajj-e-Qiran and Hajj-e-Tamattu.